Infra Red (IR) Imaging
Infra red imaging (thermography) is a proven non-destructive analysis method for finding structures and faults which are visually difficult to detect. This enables you to fix the right spot rather than wasting money fixing symptoms and guessing the root cause. Used by military and industry for decades, we are proud to offer this high end service to our private clients.
Rising damp, leaky roofs, insufficient insulation, mouldy bathrooms, solar panel checks, valuation assessments - the list of Infra Red applications is endless. See where you can benefit.
IR imaging tells you where to fix minor damage before it becomes a major problem. We offer hull and conditional assessment of boats. Start and finish the season with peace of mind.
Checking and maintenance of equipment, pressure vessels and processes. We can find faults early to reduce risk, downtime and assist with preventative maintenance scheduling.
Bauhaus Transfer is a fully ISO certified Level 1 Infra Red Thermography service provider accredited by the ITC in Frankfurt, Germany. Our professional FLIR equipment is undergoing regular calibration procedures and images are edited with FLIR analysis software for best results. Contact us to find out how IR Thermography can be useful to you.